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This is an anthology of thought. My poetry and my writing are my thoughts. It is not just a collection of poetry but also some of my views and opinions on life. It mostly covers the last few years but it also includes a few items from the long ago past of the 1970s and 1980s. I am a writer. I suppose I always have been since the first time I discovered writing at school back in the late 1960s but unfortunately none of those works remain and are barely remembered now by me although I do have vague recollections of a piece I wrote about pheasants in Autumn fields strutting about with their harems. It was read out in front of my English class and maybe was the start of my writing enjoyment. You may find that you like some of my verse, you may agree with some of my opinions even and if you do then fine. Alternatively you might hate my poetry, you may disagree strongly with all I say and more power to you in that case. Write and let me know.



I am Death. As I lay my hands upon life it withers.

I am Completion. All I start is finished.

I am Finality. The end is in everything that my cruel fingers touch.

I am Armageddon. The final reckoning for all that is love.

I am Execution. In all young things I see their demise.

I am Destruction. I can turn love to hate.

Feel the end in this in my cold dry kiss.

 I like to examine the dark side of life through my writing. Whether it is through my novels or my poetry I find I prefer the walk along the dark side of the road over the heart lifting sunnier side. This Anthology is a walk along that road although it does include lighter moments and the occasional funny aside.

 Apart from the poetry in this Anthology you will also find views of life and in particular my antipathy towards organised religion alongside a couple of very short children's stories.

 So please read my Anthology. It will make you smile I hope as well as make you cry.

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